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As our name Luhlaza emanates from sustainability and going green, Steel used by Luhlaza is 100% recyclable and is indeed the most recycled material on the planet. We pride ourselves in ensuring that every new steel product contains recycled steel and in some products the recycled rate is as high as 70%. Luhlaza procures and processes its own steel scrap requirements.

Luhlaza is mindful of the impact of global warming and the pressing need to conserve finite resources. Luhlaza maintains control of the resources it uses to manufacture its range of steel products and consumables by setting targets for natural resource consumption.

Energy consumption and water use per tonne of steel produced are being reduced where possible throughout every production process. As part of its Environmental Management system, Luhlaza aims to continuously improve its operations to reduce environmental impacts. Most of Luhlaza’s operations are ISO 14001 compliant.

Luhlaza is investigating in a number of environmental projects to reduce the impacts from its activities e.g. we have embarked on studies and projects which looks at generating electricity from the off-gases from the kiln, and the waste recycling project that looks at recycling slag that is generated at the melt shops.

Luhlaza is in the process of implementing an environmental stakeholder forum meeting will be held twice annually. Stakeholders who will be invited will include local residents, authorities and Councilors.

Our enormous effort towards greening our processes has benefited our young environmental management system so greatly that we obtained no non-conformances during our first surveillance audit with our certification body

Health and Safety

We the people of Luhlaza striving for excellence in all we do, recognises the impact that our activities may have on people and the environment. As a company which operates in the steel and engineering, Castings and foundries supply and pump and valve industry, to implement and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, the activities of the company in such a manner, as to prevent harm or damage to persons and property respectfully.

Safety, health and protection of the environment will form an integral part of our planning and decision making. We Luhlaza will manage our company, wherever we do business, in an ethical way that strikes an appropriate and well-reasoned balance between economic, social and environmental needs.

We are committed to:

  • Conducting our business with respect and care for people and the environment
  • Responsible utilisation of natural resources
  • Continually improving our safety, health and environmental performance
  • Complying, as a minimum, with all applicable legal and other agreed requirements
  • Promoting dialogue with stakeholders about safety, health and environmental performance

We will achieve these by:

  • Implementing safety, health, environmental management systems
  • Informing and appropriately training all employees and contractors on safety, health and environmental matters
  • Responding effectively to safety, health and environmental emergencies involving our actives and products
  • As far as reasonably practicable, providing appropriate resources required to implement the above
  • Ensure that the health, safety and environmental policy is reviewed at periods not exceeding three years from the effective date or by a date set by the Chief Executive Officer.